Cultural Heritage
spring of 1950 (when the church was located in the main
house), during Great Lent, a fire destroyed a good
part of the church interior. Although the walls and main
house suffered only scorching and smoke damage, vestments,
many icons and even the sacramental vessels were destroyed.
(Interestingly enough, a small paper icon of the Tikhvin
Theotokos remained unscathed in the midst of the worst
conflagration.) Consequently, just before Easter of that
year the church was moved to the basement of the new
building (presently OPH 2). The work of raising a new church
out of the ashes of the old began. Whatever could be
salvaged from the fire was restored and re-used; whatever
could not, was done anew. The iconostasis was restored,
although it had to be cut down to accommodate the heating
ducts at the ceiling of the basement room. The dirt floor
was covered by rush mats, new icons were found, church books
and music recovered, vestments sewn. By Easter, a new church
was created. Although there was another temporary move that
summer (the church moved outside for two weeks, into a
garage, to accommodate the pouring of a cement floor), the
basement housed St. Sergius Church for seven years. |
1952, a construction committee was convened to authorize the
design and construction of a permanent Church. A building
fund was established using the insurance money from the
church fire; appeals went out, and slowly donations trickled
in. |
1954, enough money was scraped together to begin
construction and a festive ground breaking took place
that spring with Metropolitan Leonty officiating at the “Molieben.”
(<click to
enlarge in separate window) |
took three more years for the building to be completed.
Finally, the consecration of the new church was joyously
celebrated in the summer of 1957, and the final gold
cross on the small cupola above the entry was set into
place. |
The present building was designed by Vladimir A. Busch
with features taken from the ancient Novgorod style of
Russian Church Architecture. It is in the basic shape of
a ship (which like Noah’s Arc carries its occupants to
safe harbor across life’s turbulent waters) and is
surmounted by the golden onion-shaped dome, symbolizing
the gathering prayers of the worshippers, which rise
like a flame towards heaven. (<click to see more) |
the Church, Gleb A. Greitz, a dedicated parishioner and
talented wood carver was commissioned to carve new
decorations for the iconostas, the candle stands, the icon
kiosks and generally all the necessary carving and woodwork
of the interior. The small offertory table where candles are
set in the memory of departed souls, was lovingly created by
him and donated to the church in memory of his wife.
iconostas, a screen of icons separating the nave from the
altar, is typical in design to all Orthodox Churches. It has
two tiers of icons; some iconostatases have more, some less. |
The very top tier represents the patron saints of the many
parishioners who donated them; below that are icons of the
12 major feast days, commemorating the life of Jesus and the
Mother of God. The altar can be entered by three doors
penetrating the iconostas. In the center are the Royal Doors
through which only the priest or deacon may enter. As the
church is characteristically oriented with the Altar to the
East, the side doors are the North portal and the south
portal, through which lay servers may enter. The royal Doors
are decorated with the images of the four evangelists, above
them is a representation of the Annunciation, and above that
a double representation of the Last Supper in the center of
which is inset an antique Russian Icon of the Holy Trinity.
On the North and South Portals are Archangels Michael and
Gabriel and on either side of the royal doors are The Holy
Mother of God and Jesus. On the north side are icons of St.
George and the dragon and St. Nicholas, whereas on the south
side are icons of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the image of
the Holy Trinity, a copy of the famous 13th Century icon by
Andrei Rublev. |
Most of
the icons on the iconostas were commissioned from the
icon-painter Mr. Morozov of Paris. However, he was unable to
complete all of the icons and so Mr. N. A. Papkov of Nyack,
NY painted the remaining ones. Mr. Papkov also was
commissioned to complete the decoration of the walls in the
nave of the church when Mr. A. Bicenko, who had decorated
the ceiling of the altar and the dome, was unable to
continue. |
Although all of the icons decorating the walls of the
church cannot be mentioned within the confines of this
short page, it should be noted that the bottom level of
paintings, starting from the north wall and proceeding
around the church, are illustrations of major events in
the life of St. Sergius, the patron saint of this
Church, a great mystic of 13th Century Russia, and most
beloved within the Russian Orthodox community to this
day. Another interesting and personal feature of the
decoration is the five icon medallions on the church
vestibule walls. They commemorate the patron saints of
the co-founders of the Tolstoy Foundation: Alexandra
Tolstoy and Tatiana Schaufuss; the two rectors of the
parish who served during the church’s construction and
development: the Rt. Rev. Michael Jelenevsky, and the
Archimandrite Victorin Liabach, and finally Xenia
Rodzianko, an administrator and nurse at the Center in
the early years, whose dedication to the work of the
church and the Tolstoy foundation is legendary. (click
below to view enlarged images in a separate window) |
Outside the church, one finally needs to mention the
bells, the sound of which is as memorable of the old
Russian scene as birches and churches with onion domes.
The first set of bells (left-top) were donated by a
parishioner who worked for the railroads. All three of
the smaller bells were taken from antique steam engines
when they were being replaced by diesels. The large bell
below them, however, was once a fog bell on one of the
wharves in New York City, and was purchased for $600.
The set of 10 bells (left bottom) were donated by Mr. &
Mrs. Peter Tomkevich in 1997. A collection has been
started to build a bell tower which would house these
beautiful bells. If you would like to specifically
contribute to this worthy cause, just note “Bell Tower”
with your contribution. |
(click to enlarge) |
It is important to note
that the construction and beautification of the St.
Sergius Church was accomplished over many years, by the
dedicated sacrifice of many people who gave of their
time, talents, and hard-earned work. Today, it is the
spiritual center of the Tolstoy Foundation Center,
serving the needs of the retirees and local community. It stands as a
memorial to those who came before and a beacon for the
future. |
If you would like to make a
donation to St. Sergius, please mail to:
St. Sergius Church ● 104 Lake
Road ● Valley Cottage, NY. 10989 |
To truly appreciate the
artistry and spiritual beauty of this church it should
be seen in person. Inside tours of the
St. Sergius and
exterior tours of our grounds are available upon
For more information, call 845.268.6722
or Email:
info@tolstoyfoundation.org |
To download the April schedule of Divine Services in
To download the April schedule of Divine Services in
To download St. Sergius History
